Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

Well, at least my water bill will thank me. My tomatoes, on the other hand, have been exploding like fireworks all weekend. There is only so much water they will hold. They certainly were not expecting the 8" of rain we got in three days. Nor the 5" that we are predicted to get over the next two days. I guess it begs the old adage "when it rains, it pours." The Houston area made up its entire rainfall defiect in four days.

This is also the reason, along with the holiday, that the blog has been quiet for a few days. One does not traipse out to the garden in the midst of a downpour. One's three year old does not play outside when it is wet and muddy. And one's family has had a serious case of cabin fever. The rain stopped for two days. Long enough to run outside, grab a zucchini or two, and dash back in. We did get to watch fireworks. They were fantastic and Anthony loved them. And then this morning, it started raining again. Yay.

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