Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I Did This Weekend...

I got busy and cleaned out the veggie beds. I have been a bad gardener lately and it was an awful summer. Hot, mosquito-infested, and humid. Not conditions that make you want to go out and work. However, I stepped out of the house on Sunday morning and realized that I could actually stand outside for more than 5 minutes without getting a) chewed to death or b) fainting from the heat. Getting the garden cleaned up shot straight to the top of my priority list. Somewhere below feeding/playing with the kiddo, but definately above dishes and laundry.

As soon as the kiddo went down for a nap, I made a bee line for the garden, grabbing gloves and shears along the way. For two hours, I weeded, trimmed, cleaned, and moved. I pulled approximately 10 volunteer Thai basil plants and a few non-producing okra plants. I had a weed/plant pile the size of my 3 year old when I was done. And the garden looked like this:

And my legs looked like this:

I apologize for posting pictures of my pasty white legs...but mosquitos find me tasty and I am somewhat allergic to grass.

However, thanks to the sacrifice of my legs, my garden is clean, weed-free, and ready for its fall planting.

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