Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Anthony's Birthday Party

Anthony turned four the other day. And as always, his birthday was a little bittersweet. Sweet, because my baby is growing up into a wonderful little boy, bitter for exactly the same reason. He is losing all of the baby in his face and I can see the new mature features. We decided to hold a Cowboy Pony Party for him. Missy Roberts Pony Parties came out and decorated the horse that we got Anthony for his birthday and then gave fun rides to all the kids at the party. Her website is and she did an amazing job. Please check her out if you are in the Houston area. She also does reunions, church parties, and basically anywhere you need to entertain kids. We also ordered a cake from Layer Cakes in Pearland, TX. Saint Sepulveda did a fantastic job decorating the cake to match the party plates that we got. Her website is  Please check her out if you are in the area.

The kids had a blast. We got squirt guns for the kids to have a western shootout, a piñata for them to beat up, and sheriff’s stars so that they could feel like part of the old west. Without further ado….the pictures…

 Anthony's Cake

 The birthday boy

 Daddy with Anthony and his birthday present, Abby

 Missy Roberts coordinated rides and decorated Abby

 A little friend taking her first pony ride

 Water gun shootout at the Sorta-OK corral

 Blowing out his candle

Intensely concentrating on the pinata


  1. Happy Birthday sweet boy! I wish we could have seen you when we were in TX!

    Melissa~The party looked amazing! You all did a great job!!

  2. I lament, recalling fondly our semi-monthly coffee get togethers whilst pregnant.

    Happy Birthday, sweet boy! xoxo
