The back flowerbed, however, has been a challenge since I built it. I originally built a bed there because the area was low, always wet, and shady from both the house and the trees. I have tried wildflowers in the bed, which never really grew. Then I tried plumbago from a friend's garden, which failed to establish itself before the first freeze hit. After those died over the winter, I didn't know what to do with the bed. It got hot, rained, and the weeds grew. I quit wanting to deal with it.
Then when I got home from vacation, I looked at it with fresh eyes. I could see exactly what to do with it.
So I got down to business....
I pulled all the weeds.

Anthony's tricycle is for scale.
Then I put down landscape fabric to control future weeds and placed my new plumbago plants. Finally, I added a mailbox as part of the garden art in the bed. I'll also add a Purex laundry bottle from the 1940s in there.

Not sure why the color is odd. My house is actually a dusty green color.
My next step is to plant the newly purchased plumbago and add mulch. Then finally, in the space where the landscape fabric is missing, I will be planting spinach.
Gorgeous! Wish I had a fraction of that talent. I may be in touch with you when we start planning our garden!